Its worth a visit

Yellow Wagtails make return appearence

10/08/2016 20:39

Yellow Wagtails are a species that have declined in recent years and their appearences in my part of the Calder Valley are becoming more and more sporadic.However the sewage works below Earlsheaton does attract them annualy and 2 birds juv and adult female this morning is the 4th occassion they have turned up this year.

Gadwall Ducks appear to have bred at a nearby location has 7 juvenile birds where on the river Calder at Ossett this morning.2 more adult birds where also on the Calder below Mill Bank Thornhill also this morning.24 Canada Geese appear to have taken up residence around the Willow plantations below Mill Bank Thornhill but there was no sign of any Green Sandpipers on the Calder this morning.A large female Sparrow Hawk is frequenting the fields below Pildacre Chickenley and there seems to be good numbers of young Goldfinches as well as an abundance of baby Pheasants running around for it to feed on

There is still around 30 Sand Martins hanging around the local breeding colonies on he Calder with some still entering nesting burrows.presumably still feeding young.

