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16/02/2019 23:29

Oyster Catchers return to breeding area

2 Oyster Catchers returned to Dewsbury Sewage Works three days ago and immietlediately started displaying


23/01/2019 18:05

Back in the field at last

After several weeks out of commision with first a very painful back problem followed almost immediately with a severe eye infection it was great to be back birding my patch this morning though my vision is still not 100% perfect it is good enough to look through my bins and get a very good...


26/10/2018 12:05

No let up in Goose movement but Winter Thrushes slowly filtering in to local environment.

Yesterday brought good numbers of wood Pigeons coming in from the North and continuing flying South.670 Wood Pigeons flew South over Thornhill and beyond in around 30 minutes yesterday morning between 09:10 and 09:40.52 Pink footed Geese flew Eastwards as in previouse days(52 birds). 32 Fieldfares...


22/10/2018 16:25

More Wild Geese over Ossett

At 10:15 a large skein of some 440 Pink Footed Geese passed over Lower Healy Road Ossett flying directly Easterly.This is the fifth skein of Pink Feet in 2 mornings with at least 800 birds passing in the spate of a few minutes yesterday morning. Small birds still thin on the ground with less than...


21/10/2018 20:15

Pink Footed Geese continue to follow their traditional route Eastwards over Dewsbury

This morning saw at least 4 good sized skeins of Pink Footed Geese flying high over Earlsheaton sometimes with 3 or 4 stringsof birds.The first 2 parties 1 of around 130 birds was over at 11:15 quickly followed at 11:22 with a further party of some 240 birds following exactly the same flight...


11/10/2018 23:34

Winter Thrushes starting to appear but still in small numbers

There was at least 20 Redwings feeding in a small copse in the lower Pildacre area (Ossett) this morning.After spending a couple of hours feeding up all the Redwings rose up and moved away slowly Southwards.Jays are very active in the  Ossett\Dewsbury area at the moment and one reason for this...


10/10/2018 21:08

Ring Necked Parakeets increasing in the valley and Pink Footed Geese that pass in the night.

A party of 8 Ring Necked Parakeets where flying calling loudly around the Earlsheaton section of Mill Bank Thornhill yesterday morning.Thornhill Rectory Park has become a regular resting place for these birds in recent years and it is not unusual to see up to a dozen birds perched in the tall oaks...


05/10/2018 15:30

Wild Geese make their presence heard in the Valley.

Yesterday morning at around 08:10 a flock (consisting of several skeins) of around 520 Pink Footed Geese flew in a Westerly direction over north Ossett in several v formations moving slowly Westerly.Often Pink Footed geese are first located by their call a very distinctive wink winky can be heard...


03/10/2018 19:15

Nearly all Summer birds departed but still life in the valley

I have not seen any local Swallows on my patch since the 26th of September when 6 birds passed very quickly going South East over Horbury Bridge. There are 2 Chiff Chaff in the Pildacre fields area of Ossett at the moment and activity has stepped up on my feeders in the area with 18 Long Tailed...


18/09/2018 11:25

House Martins and Swallows on the move.

Good numbers of Swallows and House Martins where moving very high and slowly Eastwards over Mill Bank Thornhill this morning. Though I was only present in the area for an hour this morning I counted some 600 birds passing very slowly over theMill Bank Austingley Lane area Thornhill in the first...
